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Seth Anandram Jaipuria School’s Online Summer Camp Kicks Off with Fun & Frolic

Seth Anandram Jaipuria School’s Online Summer Camp Kicks Off with Fun & Frolic

Fun and excitement are back again. The children are ecstatic and their parents are smiling ear to ear. Reason? Little One’s ONLINE SUMMER CAMP 2021 has kicked off with dollops of joy, merriment, laughter, entertainment and learning.

The Online Summer Camp took off on Monday, June 1, to a rollicking start. Children from age 2 to 6 rediscovered a bit of the lost joy of childhood through activities that were based on three themes: ‘NATURE’ for Pre-Nursery, ‘UNDERWATER’ for Nursery, and ‘SPACE’ for Prep.

The little cherubs of Pre-Nursery planted a seedling and created wonderful floral patterns during Hand-Print Art. Another activity called Dance & Freeze had them shaking a leg and bringing the house down.

The tiny tots of Nursery were taken on an Underwater Virtual Tour, into the magic world of tunas, stingrays, starfishes, turtles and octopuses. The Aquatic Craft activity had the children making an oceanarium with tic tac boxes, weeds and pebbles. They also learned to grow plants in water.

The cute ones of Prep were treated to an entertaining video of their favourite cartoon character Chota Bheem. They flaunted their cooking artistry with the activity called Rocket Spaceship Sandwich, in which they made a yummy sandwich in the shape of a rocket and shared it with their family.

At a first glance, these activities may seem just lots of childish fun, but if you scratch a little deeper, you’ll see the many takeaways.

In a joyful manner, the children learned many life skills, displayed creativity, developed critical thinking, linguistic skills and fine/gross motor skills. We got each and every child engaged in the wonderful act of exploration and learning. And we will continue to do so till June 8 when a grand finale will bring curtains on the Online Summer Camp.

Till then, each day is packed with loads of fun, amusement, creativity and learning.

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