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Independence Day and Janamashtami Special Assembly

Independence Day and Janamashtami Special Assembly

“Freedom in the mind, Faith in the words, Pride in our Souls, Let’s salute the nation.”

It was time to introduce the feeling of patriotism and freedom to our little Jaipurians.The Independence Day celebration was merged with the birthday of world’s most adorable kid “Laddu Gopal.”

It was a treat to the eyes to see our little damsels and boys dressed in beautiful traditional attires. A special presentation was given by the kids which included a patriotic song drenched all of us in patriotic fervour.

A small skit depicting Lord Krishna’s love towards butter followed by a dance performance with his doting Gopis was an icing on the cake.

Various activities like hand printing, flute making, raas dance etc, took place throughout the week which was later summed by a vibrant and spectacular special assembly.

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